Sirja Niroinen makoilemassa maassa. Ympärillä kultaista harsoja ja violettia valoa.

Sirja Nironen
& Antti Tiensuu

From Earth and Beyond

Sirja Nironen – cello, Antti Tiensuu – recitation

In an exceptional walking concert, the actor Antti Tiensuu, awarded for his recitation, and Sirja Nironen, an interpreter of the music of our times, perform beside Sara Hildén’s lovely art collection. In Liza Lim’s work, a cellist plays the violin and cello simultaneously, creating astounding tones which seem otherworldly. Eeva-Liisa Manner’s short story blends in seamlessly with the thought-provoking music. At the end there will be an opportunity to discuss the concert with the performers.

“But the music flowed, the swift water and wind, the girl stepped inside the music, listened to it with her whole being, let it run between her toes and was seized by it by her skirt and hair.”
Eeva-Liisa Manner: Kävelymusiikkia pienille virtahevoille (Walking Music for Small Hippopotamuses)

Sirja Nironen lähikuvassa ympärillään kultaista harsoa.
Sirja Nironen

The duration of the concert is around 60 minutes, and there will be around 20 minutes of discussion time.

Language: Finnish

PHOTOS: Anna-Maria Viksten & Antti Yrjönen


Tiina Myllärinen (*1979): Morfo Blu (2021)
Olli Moilanen (*1987): Laskostuu (2022)
Elisar Riddelin (*1993): Väkevä (first performance) (2024)
Liza Lim (AU) (*1966): an ocean beyond earth (first performance in Finland) (2016)
Tara Jovana Valkonen (*1999): Solo no. 3: Pjesma Zaborava (2022)

Eeva-Liisa Manner: Kävelymusiikkia pienille virtahevoille (1957)


Links / Composers